Totalmobile’s comprehensive set of field service management capabilities enables emergency service providers to meet their citizens’ needs by improving staff management and service delivery compliance.
Emergency Services
Providing integrated solutions that are enhancing the quality and compliance of services provided to people in need
Trusted by Our Customers
Comprehensive Resource & Duty Management Solution
supporting the Emergency Services, designed for unique and complex rostering challenges
A Challenging Environment
Increases in demand, workforce shortages and a lack of funding are systemic challenges currently facing the Emergency Services, but that’s not all. Operations, including support staff, are facing many other challenges, including:
- No clear, current and accurate picture of available resources (with current skills) that could be deployed in an emergency situation
- Incorrect monthly payroll due to difficulty capturing actual time worked and claims for specific allowances
- Difficulty offering flexible working arrangements
- The planning/rostering team responding to numerous annual leave or shift swap requests
- Staff not able to ‘Self-Serve’ via a mobile App or Web Portal
- Double-keying information between the Resource Management System and other systems (HR, Payroll, Command & Control)
- Regularly under resourcing (and occasionally over resourcing)
Ambulance Services
Totalmobile offer a dedicated and comprehensive Resource Management solution for Ambulance Services, that is not only designed to deal with unique and complex rostering challenges but, also has the ability to support the understanding that ambulances require to be staffed by a dual crew.
With innovations that improve workforce management, SLA compliance and performance visibility, Ambulance Service organisations can streamline the processes related to the delivery of services, enabling providers to focus on the needs of citizens in need of assistance.
Police Services
Totalmobile provides a stable, proven and flexible Duty Management solution, specifically designed for the unique requirements of Police Services.
With innovations that empower your Officers & Police Staff by to ‘self-serve’, Totalmobile’s Duty Management solution offers a comprehensive range of functionality that saves time with automation, complys with standards and demands, and reduced ‘double’keying’ of data.
Anchored Through
Our Platform Capabilities
Mobile Workforce Management
Our mobile workforce management application empowers your team to capture intelligent data and access crucial information on the go. When used in conjunction with our Dynamic Scheduling solution, it enables you to analyse the spare capacity on prior days.
Mobile Workforce Management
Work Order Management
A cloud-based work order management solution providing a comprehensive range of capabilities via a fully integrated solution.
Work Order Management
Field Service Intelligence
Leverage large volumes of real-time service data to gain a full understanding of past, present and future field service delivery. With a unified data platform joining the dots of service delivery and standardised reports by sector, Field Service Intelligence enables your teams to make smarter, faster decisions and future-proof service operations.
Field Service Intelligence
Dynamic Scheduling
Maximise the value of your available workforce. Enable your teams to achieve complex scheduling goals with a highly considering demand, time, location, availability and service levels.
Dynamic Scheduling
Lone Worker Protection
Alert and location-based technologies that rapidly react to risks in the field, ensuring the safety of your teams at all times. Protect your workforce with the ability to immediately send alerts when they have any safety concerns or are operating in a high-risk environment.
Lone Worker Protection
London Ambulance Service released
3,414 extra people hours
across 70 ambulance stations.
“Response & patient care improved with variable shift cover that met intra-day demand 365 days a year”.
London Ambulance Service
Ready to find out more about our Emergency Servies Solution?